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My Collection of Texts in Mathematics and Physics (Updated Jul 2024)

English Literature (104 Texts)

Acheson, D.J., Elementary Fluid Dynamics, 1990

Anton, H. and Rorres, C.I., Elementary Linear Algebra (11th Ed.), 2014

Arkin, H. and Colton, R.R., Statistical Methods (5th Ed.), 1970

Atkinson, K and Han, W., Theoretical Numerical Analysis, 2001

Audin, M., Geometry, 2003

Ayres, F., Theory and Problems of Modern Algebra, 1965

Batchelor, G., An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, 2000

Birkhoff, G. and MacLane, S., A Survey of Modern Algebra, 1953

Bluman, A., Elementary Statistics: A Brief Version (8th Ed.), 2019

Bondi, H., Relativity and Common Sense, 1962

Boyd, J., Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods (2nd Ed.), 2000 

Brogan, W.L., Modern Control Theory, 1974

Burton, T., Volterra Integral and Differential Equations, 1983

Callen, H.B., Thermodynamics, 1960

Chadwick, P., Continuum Mechanics (2nd Ed.), 1976 

Chorin, A. and Marsden, J., A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 1993

Coddington, E. and Levinson, N., Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, 1984

Corduneanu, C., Principles of Differential and Integral Equations, 1971

Cormen, T., Algorithms Unlocked, 2013

Courant. R. and Robbins, H., What is Mathematics?, 1941

Demmel, J.W., Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, 1997 

Dennery, P. and Krzywicki, A., Mathematics For Physicists, 1995

Devlin, K., Mathematics: The Science of Patterns, 1996

Edwards Jr., C.H., Advanced Calculus of Several Variables, 1973 

Einstein, A., Relativity: The Special and the General Theory (15th Ed.), 1952

Epstein, B., Partial Differential Equations, 1975

Faraday, M., On the Various Forces of Nature, 1873

Fraleigh, J. and Brand, N., A First Course in Abstract Algebra (8th Ed.), 2021

Gaddis, T., Starting Out with Python (4th Ed.), 2018

Garrity, T.A., All the Mathematics You Missed, 2002

Gelfand, I. and Fomin, S., Calculus of Variations, 1963

Gilbert, L. and Gilbert, J., Elements of Modern Algebra (4th Ed.), 1995

Glowinski, R., Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Variational Problems, 1984

Golub, G.H. and Van Loan, C.F., Matrix Computations, 1983

Goodrich, M. and Tamassia, R., Algorithm Design, 2002

Graves, R. and Wolfe, P., Recent Advances in Mathematical Programming, 1963

Greenwood, D.T., Classical Dynamics, 1977

Guicciardini, N., Reading the Principia, 2003

Haberman, R., Applied Partial Differential Equations (5th Ed.), 2019

Hardy, G.H., A Mathematician's Apology, 1940

Hermes, H. and LaSalle, J., Functional Analysis and Time Optimal Control, 1969 

Hochstadt, H., Differential Equations, 1964

Hocking, J. and Young, G., Topology, 1961

Holmes et al., Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems and Symmetry (2nd Ed.), 2010

Horn, R. and Johnson, C., Matrix Analysis, 1985

Householder, A., The Theory of Matrices in Numerical Analysis, 1964

Hughes-Hallett, D. et al., Applied Calculus, 2014

Hungerford, T., Algebra, 1974

Hurley, P.J., A Concise Introduction to Logic (8th Ed.), 2003

Ibbett, R. and Topham, N., Architecture of High Performance Computers (Vol. II), 1989

Illner, R. et al., Mathematical Modelling: A Case Studies Approach, 2005

Iserles, A., A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations (2nd Ed.), 2008

Iyanaga, S. and Kawada, Y., Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics (English Ed.), 1977

Kelley, J., General Topology, 1955

Kestelman, H., Modern Theories of Integration (2nd Ed.), 1960

Kolmogorov, A. and Fomin, S., Introductory Real Analysis, 2004

Kosmala, W., A Friendly Introduction to Analysis (2nd Ed.), 2004

Kutz, N. et al., Dynamic Mode Decomposition, 2016

Lindgren, B., Statistical Theory, 1962

LeVeque, R., Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, 2007

Makarov, B. and Podkorytov, A., Real Analysis: Measures, Integrals and Applications, 2013

Maki, D. and Thompson, M., Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, 2006

Marsden, J. and Tromba, A., Vector Calculus (4th Ed.), 1996

Marshall, D.C., Odell, E., and Starbird, M., Number Theory Through Inquiry, 2007

Meyer, R.E., Introduction to Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, 1971

Miller, K.S., Advanced Real Calculus, 1957

Newton, I., Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, 1687

Nocedal, J. and Wright, S., Numerical Optimization (2nd Ed.), 2006

Papadimitriou, C. and Steiglitz, K., Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity, 1998

Perko, L., Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (3rd Ed.), 2001

Pinkus, A., On L1-Approximation, 1989

Polyanin, A. and Zaitsev, V, Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, 2003

Powell, M.J.D., Approximation Theory and Methods, 1981

Press et al., Numerical Recipes (3rd Ed.), 2007

Quarteroni, A., Sacco, R., and Saleri, F., Numerical Mathematics, 2007

Quine, W.V., Methods of Logic, 1982

Reddy, J.N., An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics, 2008

Riedi, P., Thermal Physics, 1976

Routh, E.J., Advanced Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies (6th Ed.), 1905

Rolf, H., Finite Mathematics (8th Ed.), 2014

Rozanov, Y.A., Probability Theory: A Concise Course, 1969

Rudin, W., Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd Ed.), 1976

Saaty, T.L. and Bram, J., Nonlinear Mathematics, 1964

Salgado, A. and Wise, S., Classical Numerical Analysis, 2023

Schneider, G. and Uecker, H., Nonlinear PDEs: A Dynamical Systems Approach, 2017

Spivak, M., A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Volume I (3rd Ed.), 1999

Stewart, J., Calculus: Early Transcendentals (8th Ed.), 2016

Stewart, J., Multivariable Calculus (7th Ed.), 2012

Swetz, F.J., From Five Fingers to Infinity, 1994

Symon, K., Mechanics (3rd Ed.), 1971

Tao, T., Analysis I (3rd Ed.), 2017 

Theil, H., Principles of Econometrics, 1971

Thom, R., Structural Stability and Morphogenesis, 1975

Thorpe, J., Elementary Topics in Differential Geometry, 1979

Tobey, J. et al., Intermediate Algebra (8th Ed.), 2017

Tolstov, G.P., Fourier Series, 1962

Trefethen, L.N. and Bau, D., Numerical Linear Algebra, 1997

Van Brunt, B., The Calculus of Variations, 2003

Van Ness, H.C., Understanding Thermodynamics, 1969

Velten, K., Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, 2009

Verbeek, M., A Guide to Modern Econometrics, 2008

Wilkinson, J. and Reinsch, C., Linear Algebra, 1971

Williams, G., Linear Algebra with Applications (9th Ed.), 2019

Wunsch, A.D., Complex Variables with Applications (3rd Ed.), 2005

Serbo-Croatian Literature (9 Texts)

Aljančić, S., Uvod u Realnu i Funkcionalnu Analizu, 1968

Ivković, Z., Teorija Verovatnoća sa Matematičkom Statistikom, 1980

Kalužnin, L., Što je matematička logika, 1964

Manturov, O.,  Solncev, J., Sorkin, J., and Fedin, N., Rečnik Matematičkih Termina sa Tumačenjima, 1969

Prvanović, M., Osnovi Geometrije, 1980

Šnajder, Z., Nacrtna Geometrija, 1979

Tasković, M. and Arandjelović, D., Teorija Funkcija i Funkcionalna Analiza, 1981

Trahtenbrot, B.A., Što su algoritmi, 1974

Vujčić, V., Ašic, M., and Miličić, N.,, Matematičko Programiranje, 1980

Russian Literature (1 Text)

Vodnev, V., Naumovič, A., and Naumovič, N., Osnovnie Matematicheskie Formuli , 1980

French Literature (1 Text)

Nivanlinna, R., Le théorème de Picard-Borel et la théorie des fonctions méromorphes, 1974

Recommended Books for Self-Learning Concepts in Mathematics:

Algebra and Geometry (Pre-Calculus): Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang (1971)


Differential Equations: Ordinary Differential Equations by Morris Tenenbaum and Harry Pollard (1985)

Probability: Introduction to Probability and Its Applications by Richard Scheaffer and Linda Young (3rd Edition, 2010)

Linear Algebra: Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang (5th Edition, 2016)

Abstract Algebra: Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Joseph Gallian (9th Edition, 2016)

Analysis: A Friendly Introduction to Analysis by Witold Kosmala (2nd Edition, 2004)

For exploring other mathematical concepts: The Princeton Companion to Mathematics edited by Timothy Gowers (2008)


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